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Gold Ribbon Hero: Trevor

Trevor is a 15 year old two time medulloblastoma warrior who loves to travel and experience new adventures with his family.

 When Trevor was first diagnosed, he was experiencing dizziness, nausea and seizure-like episodes. In November 2016, Trevor’s brain was hemisected to remove the fist-size tumor. Within days, he was released home for rehab, chemotherapy and radiation. In July 2020, Trevor’s team discovered another tumor and started treatment immediately. 

Michelle, Trevor’s mother said, “Trevor is THE MAN! He’s a hero because he perseveres in the face of monumental circumstances. Trevor’s body betrays him with chemotherapy and wipes out not just an immune system, but stamina too. He has to do double and triple duty all the time and he does it with a cheerful attitude and a pleasant, upbeat and hopeful anticipation of all things working out for good.” 

Time is the most precious thing we have with our loved ones and this Giving Tuesday, we ask that you give the gift of time. Whether it’s funding research, raising awareness, empowering or supporting kids with cancer your gift will help secure more time for cancer’s littlest patients.

In addition to traditional donations, this Giving Tuesday, you can form teams to fundraise together. Share your links on social media or through text to increase ACCO’s funding of childhood cancer research… because kids can’t fight cancer alone!®

Donate today to increase ACCO’s funding of childhood cancer research.

Trevor was also pictured in our “What About Kids?™”  campaign in September 2021

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