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Gold Ribbon Hero Gabriella A

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“Reason this person is a Gold Ribbon Hero: Gabby is my 22 months old beautiful daughter who got diagnose with a brain tumor (Medulloblastoma)on  August 2014.
Gabby had 6 sessions of very strong Chemo with 3 stem cells transplant and lots of transfusion.  Today she gets to go home from a long stayed at Children’s hospital of Philadelphia, with a big smile, happy, strong and hopefully cancer free (awaiting MRI and tests).
Gabby is the strongest little princess, she is a true hero and I am very proud and lucky to be her mother.” – Paola P



“Reason this person is a Gold Ribbon Hero: Lexie is a brave sister who has a little brother named Jayden Jorge battling an Ependymoma brain tumor. Currently under treatment. She has been patient and understanding. Has also been cooperative and caring by sharing laughs, smiles, goggles, good and bad moments with her little brother. She helps her parents make the best of it all. Has grown to understand the lifestyle of other individuals going through a disease and has educated her friends about it. She deserves this and much more.” – Sendy D

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“Reason this person is a Gold Ribbon Hero: My daughter was born with neuroblastoma and at the age of only three months it was stage four. The doctors only gave her a few weeks to live but we had one doctor that helped us fight Dr. Schwartz… Zamiyah is now 4 1/2 and cancer free and due to the neuroblastoma she’s paralyzed and hypoglycemic but she is a fighter and fearless and a amazing girl… she’s a cheerleader and now has a wheel chair she’s fighting and praying everyday to walk her faith is amazing …I am blessed to say I have a solider !!!” – Markeida A

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More about Childhood Neuroblastoma Cancers:

Learn More About the Different Types of Childhood Cancers:





“Reason this person is a Gold Ribbon Hero: My daughter name is Destinee and she was diagnosed January 28, 2013 with ALL. She went through more than what any person should have to endure at such a young age. She always comfort me by saying, ” mom it’s almost over remember that’s what you always tell me.”  She is very remarkable.” – Tyiesha P.


“Reason this person is a Gold Ribbon Hero: He has bravely beat ALL three times and is only 8 years old. He was first diagnosed at 21 months old. He had a bone marrow transplant in 2012. While on chemo, he developed 2 severe infections, rsv which left him on an adult oscillator for 19 days. Then pneumocystic pneumonia and was on a ventilator for 42 days. Doctors weren’t sure if he would make it. He faced everything with a constant smile on his face, never complaining and has a love and appreciation for life that is so incredible. He’s my hero.” – Jamie F

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“Reason this person is a Gold Ribbon Hero: Facing two forms of leukemia, needing a transplant to survive Ben has been amazingly strong.   Always positive even when the chemo makes him very sick.  Ben has volunteered to be in studies as he has a rare type of cancer.  He wants doctors to learn from his illness so that others with the same will have a easier hopefully shorter recovery.” – Cindy D.

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“Reason this person is a Gold Ribbon Hero: When my friend Lauras daughter desi ” believing for desi” was diagnosed with nuroblastoma last year ,Tanya went to work full steam ahead for ger friend and family .Keep in mind Tanya is a mother of two as well. She helped launch the fb page for comnunicaton , she launched thd go fund me page which rIsed over $250,000 . Shes helped find private charters flights so desi with compromised immune does not have to fly commercial. Tanya has been present at every fund raising event possible and there has been alot. She was team captain at ACS relay for life this year for Teamdesi.She has dropped off; picked up dejah & derek from school to help out .Cooked ,clean anything that hss been needed she has been there. All while managing her own full life and also still helping others. Tanya has personally talked to our community representative Raul Ruiz about helping to increase funding for children s cancer research. Tanya advocates children s cancer needs at every possible opportunity. Tanya is an extrodinay human,who gives tirelessly to her family,and community. I nominate her wholeheartedly as an advocate for children’s cancer research and well-being of those children fighting this horrible disease. Tanya Moreno is my Gold Ribbon Hero” – Patty H.




Columbia Utilities and PALMco Continues Commitment to the American Childhood Cancer Organization with $10,000 Donation

“Columbia Cares” and “PALMco Cares” initiatives donate over $20,000 to support children with cancer and their families

PALMco CaresBROOKLYN, NY, April 7, 2015 – For the second consecutive year, Columbia Utilities and PALMco, family owned and operated energy supply companies, have reached their annual goal to raise $10,000 for the American Childhood Cancer Organization (ACCO), one of the largest national organizations dedicated to improving the lives of children and adolescents with cancer and their families. To date, Columbia Utilities and PALMco have donated over $20,000 to the ACCO through “Columbia Cares” and “PALMco Cares” initiatives and will continue expanding upon their commitment as they enter the third year of their partnership.

Since December 2013, Columbia Utilities and PALMco have been donating $1 every month for every participating new customer’s gas and/or electric account to the ACCO, empowering customers to make an impact on the lives of others by simply paying their utility bills. “Columbia Cares” and “PALMco Cares,” larger initiatives to give back to the local communities Columbia Utilities and PALMco serve, pledged to donate at least $10,000 in total by the end of 2014 and surpassed this goal in only three months. There is no limit to how much can be donated, and both companies continued their commitment to the ACCO by encouraging more customers to join the initiatives.

“We are proud to support ACCO’s mission to enhance the lives of children with cancer and their families,” said Robert Palmese, President of Columbia Utilities and PALMco. “The tremendous generosity of our customers has transformed our monthly utility bill into a source of hope and a thoughtful act of giving back. Thank you to every customer who has joined our commitment to ACCO and has helped to provide care and attention to these children and their families.”

“Cancer is an insidious disease, but even more so in the body of a little child. Children aren’t able to fight cancer alone so it has been ACCO’s mission since our founding in 1970 to provide support to children and their families during this very difficult time. As a parent who watched my own daughter suffer the ravages of cancer as a little girl, and as the Executive Director of the American Childhood Cancer Organization, I can personally testify that there is nothing more meaningful to families going through the childhood cancer journey than the support of others to help ease the heavy load. This load is made lighter through the generous support of individuals like Robert Palmese, companies like Columbia Utilities and PALMco, and their customers. It’s incredible that children with cancer benefit through the simple act of customers paying their utility bills,” noted Ruth Hoffman, Executive Director of the American Childhood Cancer Organization.

The American Childhood Cancer Organization is the largest national, grassroots organizations standing at the forefront of the battle against childhood cancer. Founded by parents who themselves have faced this challenge, and joined by a national community of families and survivors, the ACCO is uniquely committed to improving the lives of children and families living with cancer and its long-term side effects, as well as bringing ever-greater awareness to the need for new, more effective treatments appropriate for cancer’s youngest warriors. From providing the highest quality resources designed for children and families, to coordinating local assistance to families in need, to leading national (and even international) advocacy campaigns for greater awareness and ever-more research, the ACCO is dedicated to giving every child facing childhood cancer a fighting chance at a healthy, happy future.

Columbia Utilities and PALMco are sister companies, based in Brooklyn, New York, and owned and operated by the same family. For more information on Columbia Cares, please visit For additional information on PALMco Cares, please visit

Columbia Utilities

COLUMBIA OFFICIAL LOGOColumbia Utilities is a family owned and operated energy supply company (ESCO) that supplies electricity, gas, and oil in New York. Our family has been in the energy business for 75 years, and we dedicate ourselves to providing quality service, customer satisfaction, dependable energy, and competitive prices. For more information, please visit

PALMco official logoPALMco

PALMco Energy is a family owned and operated energy supply company (ESCO) that supplies electricity and gas in Connecticut, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. Our family has been in the energy business for 75 years, and we dedicate ourselves to providing quality service, customer satisfaction, dependable energy, and competitive prices. For more information, please visit

N E W S   R E L E A S E

For Immediate Release

Contact: Elana Rueven

What does ACCO do? If you have ever wondered what ACCO does, we would love to share! To put it in simple terms is difficult, but first and foremost we are here to help you, the children and families facing childhood cancer, while you are going through the battle and after you are no longer fighting it.

We provide free resources to help parents, teens and children understand what a diagnosis means and how to navigate this new, scary world. We help get you the information and the resources you need to find the right doctors, facilities, treatments and offer teaching tools to help your little warrior face these doctors, facilities and treatments with less fear and uncertainty. We do our best to help lessen the extraordinary stress and anxiety you and your little warrior are bombarded with once you hear those four dreaded words, “your child has cancer”, and we can do this with confidence from our own experience with childhood cancer.

We give a voice to those who don’t have one. We help to bring awareness to the nation about childhood cancer and do this through our advocacy programs. We are on the forefront of the battle lines, bringing that voice, responsibly, to congress and other national institutes or organizations that can make a difference in funding and resources available to our childhood cancer families. And, we know how to open appropriate and healthy lines of communication with these institutes or organizations to foster good, long lasting relationships that result in progress and optimal results. We also represent our families on the International front with hopes of creating a universal communication that promotes extensive sharing of critical data and metrics that can help improve research for better treatments.

We provide many ways for people, organizations and businesses to partner with us and stand up against childhood cancer together, by becoming a division, affiliate, starting you own “organization” under our 501c3 in your child’s name using our Founding Hope program, by hosting an event such as GoGold® or PJammin® or through other several other means that allow you to get involved. We know we are stronger as a united voice!

Overall, we want you to know we are here for you and will do and provide whatever we can to help you when and where you need it most. Please, if you are a family currently fighting or have fought childhood cancer, send us an email or complete our contact form on our website. We have so much to offer and are here to help – “…because kids can’t fight cancer alone”

Contact US!

“Reason this person is a Gold Ribbon Hero: Brysen was diagnosed at 8 months with Wilms he has had a very long road of hospital stays,chemo,radiation, and infections. He relapsed at 11/2 with lesions to both lungs and liver.Now 2 yrs old he is remission although doing good he still has lots of doctors appointments ahead. He is my hero because he has been the toughest little fighter I know and even though he has been through more than a grown person has ever been through he did it all with a smile on his face.” – Melinda S.
