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Gold Ribbon Hero Chase W

Tag Archives: childhood cancer

“Chase was diagnosed with Wilms tumor at the age of five, and she ended up having her entire left kidney removed. I met Chase this past January through the University of Louisville’s first ever completely student run organization that benefits the University of Louisville’s pediatric oncology and hematology clinic, called RaiseRED. When I met Chase, it was a week after her last day of chemotherapy and is now 6 months cancer free. Even though Chase’s personal battle with cancer has been over for 6 months, this little 7 year old girl has done nothing but tried to give back to the childhood cancer community in any way she can. Along with her family, she participates in countless walks, fundraisers, visits the other children. I am only 20 years old, but this 7 year old cancer survivor has became my hero and inspiration in countless ways. She is my inspiration for my future career path, to become a pediatric cancer social worker. Her continuous positive attitude, and her huge heart will leave a mark on you forever. I feel like this is an opportunity to give back to her for everything she has done for me, and to show her how much she has changed so many lives. If you get the privilege of meeting Chase, she will leave a mark on your heart forever. ” Deejay K


Chase W


“Lisa is my sister-in-law and just recently lost her four year old son, my nephew, Trevor, to brain cancer (ependymoma). Throughout Trevor’s year of brain surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation, she was nothing but positive and never gave up hope. She is an inspiration to her family and friends and to people she does not even know. She has made an impact on many people’s lives through her love and honor of Trevor. She is constantly shedding love and God’s light onto others around her during this mournful time. She is so incredibly strong. She has brought attention and support to Childhood Cancer Awareness Month by participating in the whipping out childhood cancer challenge and by also making donations to St. Jude’s in Trevor’s honor. Though her times are hard, and will continue to be, Lisa shows her strength and compassion and love through everything she does.” – Sydney T


Lisa T



“Dr Coulter is a pediatric oncologist in Omaha, NE. and by far, a favorite among patients and families! He brings a smile to the children he treats when they need it most and a laugh to the parents when we thought it impossible to find anything funny ever again! Dr C has helped our awareness and action efforts every step of the way, including showing up to our state capital GO GOLD event, joining us to talk with our state legislative representatives, and spending a week each summer at the summer camp for cancer fighting kids. He is a breath of fresh air in the pediatric cancer world and gave us hope when we thought there was none. ” – Karri S


Don C

“Penny is the strongest, kindest person I know. Her grandson was just diagnosed with stage V high risk neuroblastoma The support she is giving her grandson is irreplaceable” – Barbara M

Penny P


More about Childhood Neuroblastoma Cancers:

Learn More About the Different Types of Childhood Cancers:


“She was diagnosed with High Risk T-Cell All at the age of 6. She with the help of her family fought the monster and beat it. She is currently in remission and has just celebrated her one year of chemo free on August 10, 2014. She is a true Hero and inspiration for all.” – Martha M

Briana M


“Brennan is my son and is a cancer survivor. He has made a positive impact on my life and, as I’ve seen it, many others around me. In his battle with cancer, he redefined bravery and was an inspiration to a lot of people. The positive impact that I witnessed was in watching this three-old child, faced with an unfathomable challenge, completely conquer the illness without being phased, without fear, and never without a smile. In every instance where he felt badly, he only knew the good things that he felt. Each day of chemo and radiation was a day where he fought and won, going to sleep peacefully at night and waking up happy. Brennan is the first living superhero that I’ve ever met. He’ll be 5 years old tomorrow (9/4) and he continues to grow and face the world, cancer-free.” – Mike D

Brennan D

“My son is a cancer survivor since age 3 Sept. 2013. Diagnosis was Stage 3 Neuroblastoma High risk at age 2. He fought like a warrior and won the battle. Continue to keep in prayer for a lifetime without cancer!!” – Deborah C

Christian R


More about Childhood Neuroblastoma Cancers:

Learn More About the Different Types of Childhood Cancers:

“This little girl has been such an amazing inspiration to her family, friends and strangers. She was diagnosed August 2012 with ALL leukemia and one month later her mom passed away. Bailey has held her head high and never giving up. She is my hero.” – Kathy G

Bailey G

“Jeanine lost her son CJ to childhood cancer 5 years ago at the age of 19. Since that time she has created a registered 501(c)3 organization called CJ’s Journey. CJ’s Journey helps those affected by childhood cancer. She has created a community of support and hope for so many people affected by this devastating disease. She works endlessly to bring hope to others and works to raise awareness and money for research. She is truly a hero for so many reasons, but her ability to overcome her own heartache of losing her son and turning that into something beautiful for others is truly admirable. “- Michelle K

Jeanine A

“Ricardo was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosacroma December 2012. He was 4 1/2 at that time. We honestly caught it early. So he was stage 1. He did have to do chemo treatments for 6 months. He had several surgery’s port insert tumor removed and some of the location  where the tumors was found removed. He is also our miracle child cause I wasn’t able to have a baby. He is such a blessing to us. He is now in remission. He is in the 1st grade. He is loving school. He had just started private school when he was 4 but when he was diagnosed we had to take him out of school. Which was really hard for him. He did go back full time to school last year for. He is doing great. ” – Yvette G