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Gold Ribbon Hero Keith C

Tag Archives: childhood cancer

“Reason this person is a Gold Ribbon Hero: My son was diagnosed with T-cell ALL on 10/31/13. He was hospitalized immediately to begin treatment where he remained hospitalized for 6.5 months.He received numerous chemo treatments, radiation and a bone marrow transplant on 3/28/14 which was successful. Unfortunately , the damage to his organs was already done and he passed away on 5/21/14. He is a hero because he endured without ever complaining, always joking and smiling. He will always be my hero.” – Brenda C.





“Reason this person is a Gold Ribbon Hero: This little girl is my hero. She may be small and may be only 13 but from the first day she was diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma she has had a smile on her face. Nothing can keep her down. Before she was diagnosed she used to keep a bucket in her room where she would collect donations for children with cancer, not knowing that one day that child would be her. Angel Lee has filled us all with so much spirit and hope these past months, you wouldn’t even know she was sick. She has inspired many in her lifetime including me.” – Belinda B.





“Reason this person is a Gold Ribbon Hero: This little 3 year old girl found out about a month ago that she has Neuroblastoma Cancer and has been going through chemo and and just started loosing her hair. She is the daughter if a friend of mine. She is so precious and is being a trooper.” – Amy G.











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“She was so supportive and loyal since day one my then two and a half year old Onja Rose was diagnosed with stage IV Nueroblastoma. She loved and accepted my other children as well she has a heart of gold I love her so much she has helped me in so many ways since Onja Rose Passed away 7/9/13.” – Nicole D.


Jessica H 1

“Jennifer founded a non-profit organization called Project Red Balloon to bring music to hospitalized children. She would unite people from all walks and colors of life together so they could all advocate for music therapy in children hospitals throughout california. She raised thousands of dollars to sustain and sponsor music therapy programs throughout California. And now she’s a doctor taking care of countless sick children by not just using scalpels and sutures but kindness, laughter and songs.” – Tram M.

Jennifer Allison T 1

“Addison is a true fighter. She was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer at 9 weeks old. The doctors did not expect her to survive more than 6 months. She is now 14 months old. She has had 7 surgeries and went through 5 rounds of chemotherapy with no tumor improvement. She has handled everything she has been through in her short life with strength and grace. She reminds us every day to be strong and enjoy life. It would be an honor to have her be a Gold Ribbon Hero. ” – Hillary B


Addison B 1

“Reason this person is a Gold Ribbon Hero: Since the day of her diagnosis  she has been strong and has made me, her mother, strong by watching how calm she has been through the whole process. When I told her her hair will start falling out but that I would buy her a wig, she said ok, have you ordered my wig yet? I thought to myself, ok, that went easier than I thought. She has been very strong. I am very proud of her.” – Denise V

“Reason this person is a Gold Ribbon Hero: We found out Tim had ALL when he was 20. For an adult to get a childhood illness was a hard fight and he beat the odds. Tim is a fighter hes my hero. Hes in remission still im thankful and as he did when he was going thu his treatments still doing firefighting. Tim is a volunteer firefighter so hes many peoples hero also. Hes had such a long road. He was in the hospital alot over the few years after getting out of the hospital but between blood transfusions. I should say many transfusions Tim had a stroke. Such a sad time but the sun came out and were looking at brighter days i thank god everyday for my sons life being saved and the doctors at Childrens hospital of Philadelphia.” – Joan S

Timothy S

“Reason this person is a Gold Ribbon Hero: Ryan was born 9/8/98.. I always thought that date would bring him good luck.until St  Patrick’s day of 2009 we were told Ryan has Hodgkin lymphoma as we started putting lines his body to start that awful chemo he smiled through it all never cried or complained.after his bone marrow transplant at Boston children’s hospital  in October of 2009 we were in the clear .Until January after a pet scan lit up  and were told IT`S BACK .We all took it very hard  but Ryan  kept saying mom its going to be OK ..He started new chemo protocols and radiation .As he looked weaker and weaker his unbelievable smile always came through. my forever hero passed September 19,2010 .eleven days after his 12th bday .” – Anna C

Ryan V

More about Childhood Hodgkin Lymphoma Cancers:

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