Meet Charley, a one year old acute myelogenous leukemia warrior. When Charley started daycare she was always sick and in the doctors office. The doctor…
Gold Ribbon Hero: Declan
Meet Declan, a T-Cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma warrior. In May 2021, Declan’s parents noticed large nodes on his neck. At the time, he was two…
ACCO Celebrates Year FOUR with Giant in the Community Bag Program
Beltsville, Maryland – For the FOURTH year in a row, the American Childhood Cancer Organization has been selected as a beneficiary of the Giant Food…
Gold Ribbon Hero: Carson
Meet Carson, a 7 year old ovarian cancer warrior. After having a week-long fever, Carson’s stomach became hard to the touch. Doctors discovered the tumor…
7th Grader GOES GOLD® for Childhood Cancer
Meet Adriana, a rising 8th grader on a mission to help anyway she can. After her successful GO GOLD® fundraiser, Adriana is committed to…
Gold Ribbon Hero: Preston C.
Meet Preston, a Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor (DSRCT) hero. On Christmas Eve in 2015, Preston was rushed to the emergency room after his…
Posted in Awareness, Childhood Cancer, Gold Ribbon Hero
Gold Ribbon Hero: Lewis
Meet Lewis, a Non-Rhabdomyosarcoma CIC-DUX4 warrior. The day before diagnosis, Lewis’ mother, Dynae had just given birth and was in the hospital recovering. Her husband,…
Gold Ribbon Hero: Kashton
Kashton was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in November of 2020. Doctors initially thought it was the stomach flu but finally discovered that it was…
Posted in Awareness, Campaign, Childhood Cancer, Fundraisers, Gold Ribbon Hero
Gold Ribbon Hero: Eileen
Meet Eileen, a 6 year old T-Cell Non Hodgkin’s lymphoma warrior. In mid September 2021, Eileen woke up with a low grade fever and complained…
Posted in Awareness, Childhood Cancer, Gold Ribbon Hero
Gold Ribbon Hero: Walker
Meet Walker, a 15 year old osteosarcoma warrior. On December 14, 2021, Walker found out that he was battling osteosarcoma after a bike injury. He…
Posted in Awareness, Childhood Cancer, Gold Ribbon Hero