What causes spinal cord tumors in children? When we think of the spine, or backbone, we generally think of it as the part of the…
What causes spinal cord tumors in children? When we think of the spine, or backbone, we generally think of it as the part of the…
Meet courageous Colton Whisler, a four-year-old warrior currently battling Perimeningeal Rhabdomyosarcoma, otherwise known as RMS. We were pleased to connect with Colton’s family through The…
Detection and Diagnosis The brain and the spinal cord make up what is known as the Central Nervous System (CNS) and together, they control nearly…
Meet Damon, a 16-year-old warrior with a love of sports. During November 2017, Damon took a hit to his left knee. His knee was swollen…
After Treatment The central nervous system—including the brain and the spinal cord—grows and develops very quickly during childhood. This rapid rate of growth and development…
Meet Kirby: a tenacious 4-year-old who BEAT cancer! ACCO initially met his mom, Sonnie, when she commented on an Instagram post. Forging a relationship with…
Brain tumors “What is my child’s prognosis?” This seemingly simple but critical question is often among the first that parents will ask their child’s oncologist…
Brain Tumors When classed together in a single grouping, cancers in the brain and spinal cord are the second most common type of childhood cancer…
Meet Grace – a sweet and spirited 9 year old and one of our Ambassadors for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Grace is a generous and…