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Spinal Cord Tumors in Children: Treatment Options

Spinal Cord Tumors Together, the brain and the spinal cord make up the central nervous system (CNS), which is responsible for controlling nearly all of

Posted in Childhood Cancer

Gold Ribbon Hero: Emma D.

Meet Emma… A PBR-loving, supergirl cancer warrior currently fighting stage IV medulloblastoma. She enjoys arts and crafts of all kinds, cooking, playing games and making

Posted in Gold Ribbon Hero

Update: Advocacy for Childhood Cancer

On February 5, 2019, President Trump announced funding for a new Childhood Cancer Initiative in the amount of $500 million over 10 years.  Gold Ribbon

Posted in Awareness, Campaign, Events, News

Childhood Brain Tumors: Staging and Prognosis Factors

Childhood Brain Tumor Cancer – Stages and Prognosis When discussing childhood cancer, we often hear about the “stage” of the cancer. What does that mean,

Posted in Childhood Cancer

Gold Ribbon Hero: Colton R.

Meet Colton… A Super Mario collector and identical twin brother to Jaiden. He loved watching Spongebob and wanted to be a chef when he grew

Posted in Gold Ribbon Hero

Potential Treatment Options for Childhood Brain Tumors

Childhood Brain Cancer Treatment The brain is the “command center” for our entire central nervous system, yet despite its critical role in every aspect of

Posted in Childhood Cancer

After Treatment – Living as a survivor of Childhood Spinal Cord Cancer

Treating Tumors of the Central Nervous System, including Spinal Cord Tumors Taken together, the brain and the spinal cord make up what is known as

Posted in Childhood Cancer

Gold Ribbon Hero: Kyler

Meet Kyler… A monster truck loving, lego building typical 4-year-old who has been diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic B-Cell Leukemia. In October 2017, Kyler started having

Posted in Childhood Cancer

Gold Ribbon Hero: Abby

Meet Abby, a 7-year-old childhood cancer warrior and artist at heart. Her sweet and determined disposition have helped her fight for her life against Medulloblastoma. 

Posted in Childhood Cancer

What is the expected prognosis for a child with a spinal cord tumor?

Before beginning a discussion of general statistics relating to spinal cord tumors, it is important to note up front several key issues. First, oncologists do

Posted in Childhood Cancer