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Gold Ribbon Hero: Kelsie

  Meet Kelsie, a forever 17 year old glioblastoma warrior. After battling months of nonstop headaches and losing peripheral vision in her right eye, Kelsie

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Gold Ribbon Hero: Noah S.

Meet Noah, a 5 year old ALL warrior. Noah plans to attend the University of Tennessee when he grows up to learn how to be

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Posted in Awareness, Childhood Cancer, Gold Ribbon Hero

How You Can Help During Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, and by the time this month is over, another 1,300 children in the U.S. will be diagnosed with cancer.

Posted in Childhood Cancer

Damon’s ‘Happy’ Perspective

Meet Damon, a childhood cancer advocate and forever 13 year old. The day that Damon was diagnosed, he heard the song, “Happy” by Pharrell while

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Posted in Awareness, Campaign, Childhood Cancer, Gold Ribbon Hero

Sarcomas in Children

Sarcomas are a type of cancer that grows in connective tissue, such as bones, muscles, tendons, fat, and other parts that support and connect your

Posted in Childhood Cancer

Gold Ribbon Hero: William

Meet Will, a forever 11 year old childhood cancer hero. At three years old, Will was diagnosed with adrenal cancer. He immediately started chemotherapy when

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Posted in Campaign, Childhood Cancer, Gold Ribbon Hero

Gold Ribbon Hero: Lucas M.

Meet Lucas, a forever three year old neuroblastoma warrior. In June of 2017, Lucas began running a fever which his parents attributed to teething. While

Posted in Childhood Cancer

Gold Ribbon Hero: Jillian Duffy

Meet Jillian, an acute lymphoblastic leukemia survivor and is currently using her platform as Miss Connecticut 2019 to help raise awareness for childhood cancer.  Jillian

Posted in Awareness, Childhood Cancer, Gold Ribbon Hero

4 Ways YOU can help in the childhood cancer fight!

Childhood cancer remains the number one cause of death by disease for children in the U.S. and around the world. Help raise awareness for childhood

Posted in Campaign, Childhood Cancer, News

Gold Ribbon Hero: Chase

Meet Chase, an 19 year old Ewing’s sarcoma hero. ACCO was lucky enough to speak to Chase directly in a video chat along with his

Posted in Awareness, Childhood Cancer, Gold Ribbon Hero