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Gold Ribbon Hero: Sydney

Meet Sydney, a Sesame Street loving, neuroblastoma survivor!

When Sydney was two months old her parents found a lump on her neck. “Her diagnosis was a complete shock. The news shocked us to our core and no one had even mentioned cancer before,” Sydney’s mother, Jenna remembers. 

Doctors initially thought that Sydney’s mass was underdeveloped tissue but when they removed the tumor and biopsied it, they found that it was malignant. She was monitored for a while after her surgery and then started chemotherapy.

“Throughout this wild ride, Sydney has never stopped smiling. She always gets excited at seeing her nurses and other people she knows at the hospital. She’s overcome so much and doesn’t even know it.” 

As of June 2021, Sydney is in remission. Sydney’s mother now runs an organization dedicated to helping parents of children with cancer. 

Learn more about neuroblastoma here:


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