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Gold Ribbon Hero Isaiah A

“Reason this person is a Gold Ribbon Hero: Isaiah was only 8 months old when he was diagnosed with a medullablastoma brain tumor. It was smaller than a tennis ball, larger than a golf ball. The tumor caused him to stop crawling and “failure to thrive”.
Before he could even walk, he began chemotherapy and radiation. The first two years of his life were spent fighting. He learned to crawl again, and quickly with the help of his siblings learn to walk.
All throughout his battle he brought his family much joy and laughter.
Isaiah is now 11 years cancer free, 14 years old and a freshman in high school. He has suffered some hearing loss, some dental damage due to radiation treatment and his growth has been slightly stunted. He continues to make us smile, laugh and at times scratch our heads and what a miracle he is to us.
He doesn’t remember much, that is my burden/gift to carry as his mother and caregiver. He is my inspiration.” – Karen A


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