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Gold Ribbon Hero: Aaron L.

Meet Aaron, a stage 3 rhabdomyosarcoma hero.

Aaron started experiencing left ear pain and droopiness on the left side of his face and eye and his parents took notice. His father, Jean-Paul said that Aaron was taken to an ENT who placed a tube in his right ear. They biopsied the mass in his left ear and was then sent to OKC Children’s Hospital where he was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma. 

“Fear, shock and sadness – The day was January 28th, the day we as parents received the news no parent ever wants to hear; my four year old son Aaron was diagnosed with stage 3 rhabdomyosarcoma along with a blood clot near his brain.” 

“From there, it was five months of chemotherapy on top of proton radiation treatments. By mid-May, Aaron was able to ring the bell, which was a sign that he was done with radiation treatments. Little did we know, he would have a seizure on a Monday and be gone by Friday.” 

During Aaron’s life, he was able to travel to Rhineland Falls to see the Frankenstein Castle. He was the youngest of three boys and loved playing Angry Birds. 

Learn more about rhabdomyosarcoma here.

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