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Gold Ribbon Hero Kyanna H

Gold Ribbon Hero Kyanna H

“Kyanna is a 3 year old who was diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma in May 2014. She has been going through chemo and underwent surgery to remove a tumor in her abdomen that was growing into her aorta. The whole tumor was not able to be removed due to complications during surgery. She is now having a NG tube placed do to weight loss and not being able to put it back on. She has remained strong throughout her battle and is a true fighter. ” – Renee N


More about Childhood Neuroblastoma Cancers:

Learn More About the Different Types of Childhood Cancers:



Gold Ribbon Hero Laura M

“Laura M is the mother to a now cancer free 5 year old daughter. For the past 3+ years Laura and her family have worked tirelessly to bring awareness and raise money for organizations that support children with cancer. She works closely with BayState Childrens Hospital, Griffins Friends and Camp Sunshine. If she isn’t raising money or awareness with her entire family, then you will find her running races and marathons to bring awareness to childhood cancer. She has inspired close to 1400 people to follow her journey with her daughter and we continue to follow and contribute to her work raising money and awareness for kids with cancer and their families. ” – Maureen R

Gold Ribbon Hero Dylan S

“Dylan was diagnosed with a brain stem tumor, which was inoperable. He was such a loving little boy who showed people love. With his smile and friendly nature, he was one of a kind for a 6 year old. Dylan kept his strength and courage up for his parents who thought the world of him. He is a super hero to all the people of our community. When one of us hurts in this awful way, we all hurt. Dylan passed away in November of 2013, with his family and friends by his side. His family and friends are still showing their support to help find a cure for childhood cancer so no other parent has to go through this awful grief. We love you and miss you so much our beautiful angel. ” – Pearl S



Gold Ribbon Hero Leah G

“Leah was 16 when she was diagnosed with a GBM stage 4 brain cancer . She had the tumor removed on Nov 26 th of 2012 and it turned out that tumor was encapsulated !
But she still had to go through 32 radiation treatments and 14 month of Chemo .
She finished her regimen on Feb . 24
2014 ! All her MRI’s had been clear of cancer all the way till March of 2014 !
Then during the middle of April of 2014 she started showing weird symptoms , we were thinking that she maybe was dealing with the aftermath of her chemo regimen .
Leah started getting weaker and losing more mobility with every day .
She also had moments of not remembering things , peoples names etc.
She did go to her senior prom on May 3rd . On the Monday after prom she had a doctor appointment , her doctor was very concerned seeing her condition .
He scheduled her next MRI earlier then previously planed .
I got the call from her doctor shortly after : asking me to please sit down:
Leah had a new tumor , this time in a spot that there was no surgery possible !! Also due to the size of the tumor , no radiation possible !
The only option : more chemo to buy her more time ! Hoping for a miracle of course .
Leah declined very fast and within 3 month of her relapse passed away on August 7th 2014!
She was the most caring and loving , fun young lady ! The best daughter a mother could ask for . Throughout her 2 years of fighting she never complained and still was supporting others !
I miss her more with every day” – Gabi G

Leah G

Gold Ribbon Hero Harlie

“November 12, 2013 is a day that will be forever etched into our minds.  Arriving at the ER at 6:00 AM, I was determined to find the answers to my daughter Harlie’s abdominal pain.  This was the 3rd Dr. visit in 11 days.  Other off and on symptoms mixed into the equation were fever, cough, runny nose, constipation, diarrhea and throwing up.  The only constant symptom was abdominal/pelvic pain which seemed to get worse with increased activity.  I was so sure this was a case of appendicitis.   After the initial examination and a normal urine and white blood cell count the Dr. ordered an x-ray and CT scan.  5 hours after we arrived at the ER we got the results of the CT.  It was not appendicitis.  I remember being so mad when the Dr said it wasn’t, surely there had to be a reason for the abdominal pain.  He went on to tell me that they found a very large mass.  The mass was so large that it covered most of Harlie’s pelvic cavity.   I was stunned and numb; I was in a state of shock.  From that point I heard about every 4th or 5th word.  We were told to go home and pack and go to the nearest hospital that had a pediatric oncologist, which was three and a half hours away. When we arrived at the hospital it was too late in the day to do a biopsy, so one was performed first thing the next morning.   On November 13, 2013, we were told our 7 year old daughter had Germ Cell Ovarian Cancer.   Nothing in life prepares you for that moment when a Dr. tells you that your child has cancer.  Life is so unfair.   On November 14th, 2013, our daughter had surgery to remove the tumor and her left ovary.  The surgery removed about 90% of the cancer.  They also installed a port into her shoulder so she could receive chemotherapy.    In the subsequent months she had 3 chemo treatments.  A second surgery was performed in February to remove some residual spots that were questionable.  The spots were biopsied and on February 20th, 2014 we were told our daughter was cancer free!” – Jayne C


Gold Ribbon Hero Ryan V

“Ryan valley 9/8/98-9/19/10 Ryan was a happy very smart kid loved art and finishing video games.i took Ryan into the Dr`s office for a cough and fever and insisted an xray.on St Patrick’s day 2009 we were told to head to Hasbro children’s hospital after further testing we were heard Ryan has cancer Hodgkin’s  lymphoma.Treatment started right away by sept 2009 we were heading to Boston’s children’s hospital for a bone marrow transplant.Ryan was in remission from November 2009 till February 2010.Ryan was a fighter he knew everything that was being done to him he even knew his medical I.d numbers.His  make a wish to Disney was fulfilled in April 2010..he then started a very aggressive round of chemotherapy which had him impatient for 2 weeks at a time,by august 2009 Ryan looked weak and tired and sick of the hospital they let him go home for his 12th birthday.on 9/11/10 I brought  Ryan into the ER for shortness of breathe by the next day he was on bi pap for a few days then needed to be placed on life support his organs were failing I had to let my sweet boy go so he would no longer suffer which was at 4:46pm on September 19, 2010…” – Anna C

More about Childhood Hodgkin Lymphoma Cancers:

Learn More About the Different Types of Childhood Cancers:

Gold Ribbon Hero Steven M

“Steven is an AMAZING BOY! He ways has a smile on his face he has shown our entire community how strong children battling childhood cancer really are! He always makes it known that leukemia and chemo is hard but he will show leukemia who’s boss!!! ” – Anabel B

Steven M

Gold Ribbon Hero Dylan S

“Our son caught a hard battle but this awful disease beat him. Dylan was an inspiration to everyone especially his classmates at Cascade Elementary School. They just recently had a Buddy Bench dedicated in his memory. He was so full of love and was friendly to everyone.” – Pearl S

Dylan S



Gold Ribbon Hero Will J

“Will was diagnosed with a very high risk and aggressive form of Leukemia in November 2013. His Cancer proved to be stubborn and after several grueling rounds of chemo and radiation being unsuccessful, we needed a new plan. Enter the 16 year old sister, Hazel who has a 30% chance of being a match for bone marrow transplant. Oh happy day whe we found out she was a match! My son and daughter amaze me with their incredible attitudes about life they are heroes. Will is cancer free today. He hopes to create a foundation to help others with cancer with an emphasis on teens. He hopes to visit kids all over the country to encourage them to find their inner warrior. ” – Nancy J


Will J

Gold Ribbon Hero Sidney K

“Sidney recognizes the importance of friendship among kids with cancer. That’s why he started CCChampions, a 501(c)3 nonprofit that creates special friendships for kids with cancer! CCChampions recruits inspirational people in the community, like pro athletes and TV personalities, and creates long-term, 1-on-1 friendships! Sidney is creating a treatment for the social hardships of cancer! He is hero and an inspiration!” – Mia D

Sidney K