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Gold Ribbon Hero Zoie S

Gold Ribbon Hero Zoie S

Reason this person is a Gold Ribbon Hero: Zoie is 12 years old and was recently diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia. She has had aggressive chemotherapy since her diagnosis. She missed the last few weeks of her 6th grade year and hasn’t been able to start 7th grade because of her treatments. She fights hard everyday. She has had ups and downs, but she bounces back each time. She is truly a tiny fighter.” – Lori T


Gold Ribbon Hero Jeorge & Samantha P

Reason this person is a Gold Ribbon Hero: I am originally from RI however our family is now in Hong Kong. Jeorge and Samantha Petris are in the middle of a huge fundraiser for the childrens cancer foundation and also Rett.’s Roost  a retreat for bereaved families of childhood cancer in the US started by a friend of ours who recently lost her baby to cancer.
Jeorge and Sam managed to get 15 other children involved in their efforts and are spreading their love and want to heal all over Hong Kong and the USA. They created a Facebook blog “little Philanthropist” and also have a webpage where they tell their stories The children managed to organise over 10,000 toys to sell at and event in the end of september. They have gone door to door requesting for companies to donate all on their own. Its an inspiring story and we are so very proud!” – Julie P







Gold Ribbon Hero Shyla T

“Reason this person is a Gold Ribbon Hero: This little angle is 15mnths old and has been through more than us will go through in our life time. Shys my daughter and back in 2015 we found a lump on her back and we had it checaked and after many test and doctors they said it was a teathered cord she had surgery to disconnect the tissue from her spine and it went well. One of the many symptoms from this surgery could be loss in Blatter control so we went in to Shys Uroligist and had a ultrasound done on her kidneys they looked great but something wasn’t right in the lady’s face that was doing the ultrasound. She told us she needed a second set of eyes to look at her ultrasound and we just knew something was wrong, that’s when they told us they saw a tumor in her adrienal glad with many months of test and poking on my sweet baby they found out that it was cancerous and we needed to have surgery to get it removed but before then we had to have even more test done MIBG petscans bone scans etc. they all thankfully came back negative and the surgery was successful of removing the tumor, and she is now cancer free! ️ But even after all of this she will continue to have to have test done year after year for both surgerys she’s had this year and contained to be poked and messed with but inspiete all of this she is one of the most happiest kids I’ve ever seen and can always put a smile on anyone’s face. So this is why I nominate my daughter Shyla to be a gold ribbon hero.” – Amanda T








Gold Ribbon Hero Leah V

“Reason this person is a Gold Ribbon Hero: Since the day of her diagnosis  she has been strong and has made me, her mother, strong by watching how calm she has been through the whole process. When I told her her hair will start falling out but that I would buy her a wig, she said ok, have you ordered my wig yet? I thought to myself, ok, that went easier than I thought. She has been very strong. I am very proud of her.” – Denise V

Gold Ribbon Hero Timothy S

“Reason this person is a Gold Ribbon Hero: We found out Tim had ALL when he was 20. For an adult to get a childhood illness was a hard fight and he beat the odds. Tim is a fighter hes my hero. Hes in remission still im thankful and as he did when he was going thu his treatments still doing firefighting. Tim is a volunteer firefighter so hes many peoples hero also. Hes had such a long road. He was in the hospital alot over the few years after getting out of the hospital but between blood transfusions. I should say many transfusions Tim had a stroke. Such a sad time but the sun came out and were looking at brighter days i thank god everyday for my sons life being saved and the doctors at Childrens hospital of Philadelphia.” – Joan S

Timothy S

Gold Ribbon Hero Ryan V

“Reason this person is a Gold Ribbon Hero: Ryan was born 9/8/98.. I always thought that date would bring him good luck.until St  Patrick’s day of 2009 we were told Ryan has Hodgkin lymphoma as we started putting lines his body to start that awful chemo he smiled through it all never cried or complained.after his bone marrow transplant at Boston children’s hospital  in October of 2009 we were in the clear .Until January after a pet scan lit up  and were told IT`S BACK .We all took it very hard  but Ryan  kept saying mom its going to be OK ..He started new chemo protocols and radiation .As he looked weaker and weaker his unbelievable smile always came through. my forever hero passed September 19,2010 .eleven days after his 12th bday .” – Anna C

Ryan V

More about Childhood Hodgkin Lymphoma Cancers:

Learn More About the Different Types of Childhood Cancers:

Gold Ribbon Hero Alannah G

“Alannah donates bracelet sales to Children’s Hospitals and clinics of Minnesota. She has donated thousands of dollars and tons of toys to kids clubhouse. Kids call in while in the hospital to play games and win toys. The Kid’s Clubhouse is run on donations. Alannah also saves pop tops for the Ronald McDonald house.” –

Gold Ribbon Hero Elijah M

“He has been a trooper through his chemo for Ewing’s Sarcoma all year! He has three brothers and although they took away his toe, he is getting around like nobody’s business. He is so brave and definitely his family’s hero! ” – Heather M

Gold Ribbon Hero Rayanthony B

“Ray is our hero because at the age of 4 Ray was diagnosed with AML Ray started treatment immediately,he went into remission about 18 months later, just when Ray was about to start his second road of chemotherapy he received the news that he had a donor match,so Ray went straight in to transplant mode getting test ran and receiving several doses of radiation because upon relapsing his cancer had spread around his spin. Although this was very hard and complicated having to deal with a compromised immune system and receiving blood, and platelets several times a week, Through all this Ray stayed positive thru it all inspiring others including my self Ray has put on concerts and performances for the staff and the patients on 4 west. Ray anthony’s dream is to be an actor and a performer, to continue to spread the word on finding a cure for all childhood cancers. Rayanthony, has even started a petition at his school , he is asking that every one that signs it does at least one thing to help find a cure for all cancers, he has over 50 signatures from the teachers an the students. Rayanthony is also very involved in his karate class they collected toys for Oshner hospital, and started a fund for a young man named Jordan that has recently been diagnosed with bone cancer, Team Jordan has raised a lot of needed funds for his parents, Ray anthony also donated a pretty good amount from his own money. Rayanthony at the age of 9 is a true hero” – Nika  S

Gold Ribbon Hero Elijah M

“Elijah was diagnosed at 3 with Ewings sarcoma. He had the tumor and part of his left foot removed in July of 2014. He always has a smile and inspires everyone he meets. He is a hero to me and so many others.” – Christopher M