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Gold Ribbon Hero Noah H

Gold Ribbon Hero Noah H

Reason this person is a Gold Ribbon Hero: My nephew, Noah, was diagnosed with Leukemia almost two years ago. I have never see such a resilient child full of love and laughter and spreads all of these characterize around him like wild fire. He is so full of life for a 4-year-old with cancer. He has impacted many lives in our small community and he gives the best hugs!!!! everyone calls him a superhero… And that is exactly what he is.” – Megan H


Gold Ribbon Hero Nick K

Reason this person is a Gold Ribbon Hero: Nick, battled bone cancer (osteosarcoma) He was granted a wish and told he should dream big! This selfless boy made a unique wish. Nick’s wish was to pay it forward to a local charity – Zafia’s Family House. The organization was created by Zafia’s parents, Rebecca and Bob Fyfe, who wanted to create a “home away from home” for families with loved ones in local hospitals.  On September 20, 2014, just a few months after nick completed chemo treatments his wish came true and he was able to celebrate the donation of $5,000 to help further the advancement of the Family House.

Being diagnosed with Osteosarcoma in 2013, Nick wished to raise awareness about childhood cancer. However, he felt his wish was too broad and impersonal. His frequent visits to the hospital allowed him to establish relationships with his “hospital family” and his physician who happened to be the Assistant Chairman of Zafia’s Family House. He learned about Zafia and her similar struggle with osteosarcoma, and future Family House. During this time, Nick finally found the answer he was looking for. He knew his wish would be to support Zafia’s Family House and their mission. The idea and the need for this really touched him because we have been through so much and he has gotten so close to families, we know how hard it is to be at the hospital all the time and Nick has seen how important it is for families to have a comfortable place to stay.”
The celebration of Nick’s wish was so touching, a very special day where Nick met The Fyfe family for the first time and presented them with a check and they in turn, presented Nick with a box of tiles and paint that will be placed in the Family House once it opens.

Nick has continued his support of the family house and continues to raise awareness an support for Childhood Cancer. He is now in college and two years cancer free! He is majoring in nutrition and he says, “I’m glad I got cancer because it showed me my strength and opened me up to this journey of paying it forward, I am now an advocate for others.” – Melissa E


Gold Ribbon Hero Aaliyah E

Reason this person is a Gold Ribbon Hero: A little background info Aaliyah was diagnosed with leukemia (A.L.L.) at age 4years she began her two and half years of treatment she’s been threw so much not being able to attend that first year of school wich in long run put her behind wich were working on getting back on track now from losing her long curly golden blonde hair , then reviving chemo in her spine wich made her in unbearable pain to were sometimes she could barley walk to chest port pokes lab work learning to sallow pills watching other kids play but cant because her immune system was to weak or low to spiking fevers and having to stay in hospital.. Having to avoid things she loved as she’s not able to do 28th port or having a weakened immune system so Aaliyah is a Gold Ribbon hero because threw all this she has been strong brave courageous and never lost her smile fun or childhood to cancer she did not let it confined her or stop her . not only was strong for her but she  made everyone around her stronger, you would look at her in awe for everything she’s going threw to still have smile its just incredible.
She dosent realize how much she’s impacted my life but she’s my hero .” – Haley E






Gold Ribbon Hero Ellyn M

Reason this person is a Gold Ribbon Hero: when ellyn’s dauughter, Gabriella Miller, died from DIPG, she started the Smashing Walnuts Foundation to bring awareness and raise funds for childhood cancer. she is a selfless, tireless advocate for this cause.” – Alexa M


Gold Ribbon Hero Destinee T

Reason this person is a Gold Ribbon Hero: My daughter is my hero. She was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in 2013. She endured years of chemotherapy and never did she complain. She was 2 and a half years old at the time. She was the only person on the 5th floor of Oakland Children’s hospital that was able to hold food down, take pills, and she did it with grace. We had some shaky moments where it was getting scary. She always smiled and told me to take a picture mom, I want to see my hair growing back. She had to learn to walk again. But now she is 6 years old, she loves Finding Dory, baby dolls, reading books about bugs, and catching ladybugs. She is also the second one of my children to suffer from cancer. Her sister Dionys also is a survivor of Sacralcoccygeal Teratoma. They have a lifetime bond.” – Tyiesha P


Gold Ribbon Hero Shera W

Reason this person is a Gold Ribbon Hero: My Gold Ribbon Hero is my beautiful daughter Shera Williams, just right after her 12th birthday she started to get sick, which I thought was a common cold or allergies,  but she stop eating,  I asked if she had a sore throat? She replied “No mom,  I just feel like I’m going to choke on my food.”  I took her in to get checked,  she had no symptoms of a cold.  I keep her home for a week,  she was getting weaker, complained of her legs and arms hurting and tinkling on the left side, was staggering when she walk.  She did feel a little better by the end of the week. So she went to school the next week,  she fell at school twice, on that Thursday she almost fell down the stairs at school, a teacher took her to the nurse’s office, where they did vidals, her oxygen level was as low as 65. I took her to urgent care, where they transported her to San Juan Regional Medical,  they admitted her with pneumonia.  The next morning the doctor was making his rounds,  noticed her head bopping a little asked if that was normal,  told him no,  that she has been doing that since last summer of 2015.  Told him her doctor did tests but wanted her to see a specialist in Albuquerque,  but they told me they could not get her in until November of 2016, she was very surprised.  So he got us in to see the specialist, they flew us to Albuquerque,  Saturday morning did an  MRI, where the nightmare began, they told me she had a brainstem tumor, than they flew us to Denver that afternoon to Children’s Hospital Colorado.  She had surgery on the May 2, 2016. Her biopsy report came back on the 9th, and Dr. Foreman told me she had cancer,  she was diagnosed with glioblastoma and at a grade IV, they started radiation treatment right away. We stayed in Denver until June 25, 2016. We were able to come home.  She is still living with cancer, but doing much better, and getting stronger everyday. She is back to school,  “only half a day” but she is doing well. I pray everyday for a miracle.” – Zillah W


Gold Ribbon Hero Dionys T

Reason this person is a Gold Ribbon Hero: My daughter was born with Sacralcoccygeal Teratoma. She was only 6 weeks old when she endured chemotherapy. She was taking from one hospital to the next never able to see sun light for 3 months. She has since been in remission. She is 8 years old now, loves Shopkins, and gymnastics. She has been a remarkable big sister to Destinee  who also is a cancer survivor. Destinee was diagnosed 1/28/2013. She has since been in remission but now we found out she is a silent carrier for Thalassemia. When I told Dionys what was going on she said, “mom she will be OK, I will make sure.” – Tyiesha P


Gold Ribbon Hero Ricky M

Reason this person is a Gold Ribbon Hero: Ricky Mena has dedicated his life to children and their families fighting these devasting diseases He comes into their lives dressed as Spider-Man and the moments of joy he brings are priceless he brings a special gift just for that child and gives them unhurried time visiting a true hero. Ricky travels all over the USA Canada Mexico and would like to be international He has a charity the heart of a hero which people can donate money or gifts to help Spider-Man be at as many bedsides as possible. He doesn’t stop there he travels to classrooms of children of special needs and children who are blessed to be healthy sharing his message of importance of being heathy and taking care of ones self. Please visit his website heart of a hero” – Sue H.





Gold Ribbon Hero Abigail S

Reason this person is a Gold Ribbon Hero: Abigail Grace Snipes. Is my
13yr old granddaughter and hero, Cards for Abigail@prayersforabigail. On fb, she not only fought a condition from birth but fought once it became cancerous.In her short 13 yrs she went through more tourture and pain most people do in along life time. She lost her fight Feb. 19,2016. Also kylleen Coogan of the we couldn’t have made it through this without her” Tamra L.


Gold Ribbon Hero Danica O

Reason this person is a Gold Ribbon Hero: Danica Oney is a 26-year cancer survivor.  At age 35 Danica was working full-time giving care, aid and comfort to memory care patients in a nursing home while living in Parker, Colorado, raising her 15-year-old son as a single mom.

At age nine, Danica was diagnosed with a Cerebellar Astrocytoma brain tumor. She underwent more than 20 surgeries, 18 months of chemotherapy and full radiation. At one point during her 2 1/2 years of treatment, her doctors gave her a 10% chance of survival. Her recovery was a miracle through a combination of modern medicine and much prayer. She has bravely adapted to a variety of health issues caused by the late term effects of childhood cancer treatment,  always with a cheerful attitude, dignity and grace.

She recently ended up in the emergency room with symptoms of extreme vertigo, loud ringing in her ears, and some confusion which prompted an MRI. It was discovered that she has developed a Meningioma brain tumor that is in contact with critical nerves and the blood supply to her brain stem. It was also determined that she had very rapidly lost 100% of hearing in her right ear.  She is now preparing for Gamma Knife treatment and is on FMLA from her job and is unable to drive. Through this all she remains a cheerful inspiration to her family and friends while she is fighting once again for the son she was never supposed to have and her desire to return to work for seniors that are in need of her patient, sweet, compassionate heart. Danica is an inspiration for the survival of childhood cancer as well as an example of courage in the face of challenges that sometimes follow childhood cancer treatment.” – Kathy P
