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Childhood Brain Tumors: Staging and Prognosis Factors

Childhood Brain Tumors: Staging and Prognosis Factors

Childhood Brain Tumor Cancer – Stages and Prognosis

When discussing childhood cancer, we often hear about the “stage” of the cancer. What does that mean, and is it relevant when discussing brain tumors in children? When oncologists first diagnose a case of cancer, part of the diagnosis usually involves an assessment of how and where the cancer has spread from the original point of growth. This assessment is known as “staging”. For many types of pediatric cancer, the “stage” of the cancer is an important factor in developing an appropriate treatment plan and determining the patient’s prognosis, or outlook.

Brain Tumors childIs staging relevant for childhood brain tumors? In fact, this is one of the major differences between brain tumors and other types of cancers in children. Regardless of whether they are malignant (cancerous) or benign (non-cancerous), brain tumors in children rarely spread to other organs beyond the central nervous system (which includes the brain and the spinal cord). Therefore, oncologists do not utilize a formal staging system when diagnosing and treating brain cancers.

Yet although brain tumors do not generally present a threat to other organs of the body, both malignant and benign tumors can be extremely dangerous—and often life-threatening—as they interfere with the brain’s ability to function normally. As a brain tumor grows, it will press on, impede, or otherwise impair the healthy brain tissue nearby, depending on its precise location. Therefore, the location, size, and rate of growth are used to determining both treatment options and long-term prognosis, instead of more traditional “staging” used when diagnosing other types of cancers.

Prognosis Factors for Childhood Brain Tumors

Instead of staging, oncologists dealing with a diagnosis of a brain tumor will look at “prognosis factors” to help determine treatment options and to help assess each child’s potential for long-term survivorship. Some key prognosis factors include:

  • The type of tumor: a brain tumor’s “type” is based on the type of cells from which the tumor began to grow. Some of the most common types of brain tumors in children include: gliomas (almost 50% of all brain tumors in children) such as glioblastomas, oligodendrogliomas, ependymomas, and brain stem gliomas; astrocytomas, and embryonal tumors (10-20% of all brain tumors in children) such as medulloblastomas.
  • The tumor’s “grade”: A tumor is “graded” based on how quickly it is growing. Most oncologists use a four-level system of grading when dealing with brain tumors in children. Low grade tumors (grade I or grade II) usually grow relatively slowly and are less likely to invade or infiltrate adjacent healthy brain tissue. High grade tumors (grade III or grade IV) grow relatively quickly and are considered invasive. High grade tumors usually require a more aggressive treatment approach.
  • The tumor’s location and size: The location and size of the tumor will greatly impact the symptoms the tumor causes, due to the specific functionality of the healthy brain tissue impacted by the growth of the tumor. Location and size will also determine treatment options; whether the tumor can be surgically removed, and how much of the tumor can be surgically removed, will greatly impact both treatment options and long-term prognosis.

Other prognosis factors for childhood brain tumors include:

  • Whether the tumorous cells have specific gene mutations
  • Whether the tumor has spread to other parts of the brain or spinal cord via the cerebrospinal fluid
  • Whether tumorous cells have spread beyond the central nervous system
  • The child’s age and functional abilities as impacted by the tumor

Just as every child is unique, so each cancer diagnosis is unique as well. If your child has been diagnosed with a brain tumor (whether benign or malignant), your child’s oncology team will ensure that you understand all of these prognosis factors as they relate to your child and his or her type of cancer. While the general guidelines contained here and in other similar literature are important, they are just that: only general guidelines. Only your child’s oncology team can determine your child’s key prognosis factors and their implications for long-term survivorship.

More about Childhood Brain Tumor Cancers:

Learn More About the Different Types of Childhood Cancers:

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About American Childhood Cancer Organization

The American Childhood Cancer Organization was founded in 1970 by parents of children and adolescents diagnosed with cancer. As the nation’s oldest and largest grassroots organization dedicated to childhood cancer, ACCO is committed to shaping policy, supporting research, raising awareness, and providing free educational resources to kids with cancer, survivors, and their families. Additionally, ACCO is the sole U.S. member of Childhood Cancer International (CCI) and has helped support more than half a million families over the past 50 years. Help make childhood cancer a national health priority because kids can’t fight cancer alone®

For more information about how ACCO can help your family, call 855.858.2226 or visit:

Gold Ribbon Hero: Colton R.

unnamed-6Meet Colton…

A Super Mario collector and identical twin brother to Jaiden. He loved watching Spongebob and wanted to be a chef when he grew up. Colton was diagnosed with diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG) in 2016 and fought a hard battle before losing his life after 16 months.unnamed-3

On the morning of October 10, 2016, Colton’s mom noticed that Colton’s walk was abnormal. Thinking it was just a sleepy walk, Shannon sent him to school. When the nurse called Shannon, she knew that something was wrong. The nurse suspected a stroke because Colton was exhibiting left sided weakness and urged her to take Colton to the emergency room. The doctor appeared very concerned and instructed Shannon to take him to the nearest children’s hospital two hours away. Following an MRI, the oncologist and neurologist confirmed the diagnosis of DIPG. The family was told there was no cure for DIPG and at best, they had 9-12 months left with Colton.  “We were devastated, not only did our child have a brain tumor, but one that had less than a 1% survival rate,” Shannon remembers.

unnamed-1According to Shannon, “radiation would only buy us time and there were trials we could participate in, but none were proven to save our child at this point.” During his treatment, Colton had multiple labs done, hospital stays, pneumonia, seizures and eventually lost his ability to walk, talk and swallow. He endured 30 rounds of radiation with a smile on his face. He also participated in a clinical trial for a year at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital.

Shannon said that, “Colton was so incredibly brave through all he endured. He kept a smile on his face and never let his diagnosis get him down even when he lost his ability to walk and talk he kept a smile on his face. As a family we have created the Team Colton DIPG Foundation to assist other families battling DIPG. We continue to spread awareness for Childhood cancer and pray for the day when no family is ever told there’s no more we can do.”unnamed-5


About Diffuse intrinsic pontine gliomas (DIPG)

Diffuse intrinsic pontine gliomas (DIPG) are highly aggressive and difficult to treat cancerous brain tumors found at the base of the brain. They are glial tumors, meaning they arise from the brain’s glial tissue—tissue made up of cells that help support and protect the brain’s neurons. Learn more about different childhood brain cancers.

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About American Childhood Cancer Organization

The American Childhood Cancer Organization was founded in 1970 by parents of children and adolescents diagnosed with cancer. As the nation’s oldest and largest grassroots organization dedicated to childhood cancer, ACCO is committed to shaping policy, supporting research, raising awareness, and providing free educational resources to kids with cancer, survivors, and their families. Additionally, ACCO is the sole U.S. member of Childhood Cancer International (CCI) and has helped support more than half a million families over the past 50 years. Help make childhood cancer a national health priority because kids can’t fight cancer alone®

For more information about how ACCO can help your family, call 855.858.2226 or visit:

Potential Treatment Options for Childhood Brain Tumors

Childhood Brain Cancer Treatment

Potential Treatment Options for Childhood Brain TumorsThe brain is the “command center” for our entire central nervous system, yet despite its critical role in every aspect of human life, it is one of the most delicate organs in the entire body. Any abnormal growth, or tumor, in the brain—whether technically malignant (cancerous) or benign (non-cancerous)—can cause serious damage to the healthy brain tissue and significantly impact the body’s ability to function normally. Therefore, treating a brain tumor requires taking into consideration

  • how to best remove/eliminate the tumor;
  • how to relieve symptoms caused by the tumor; and
  • how to minimize damage to the healthy tissue of the brain.

As with all types of childhood cancer, every child will have a unique treatment plan based on his or her specific type of cancer; for brain tumors, the treatment plan will depend specifically on the type of tumor, the size and location of the tumor, the grade of the tumor, and the impact of the tumor on healthy brain tissue. In general, however, treatment for brain tumors in children generally involves three types of treatment:

  • Surgery
  • Radiation Therapy
  • Chemotherapy

Whenever possible, treatment will usually begin with surgery, with the goal of removing all or at least most of the tumor. Radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy may follow surgery in order to (1) eliminate any remaining tumor cells that could not be removed during the surgery and/or (2) prevent the tumor from re-growing if possible. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy will play a more central role in treating brain tumors that cannot be safely removed through surgery; however, because surgery is usually the first line of treatment, this blog will focus on surgical options for brain tumors in children.

Surgical Treatment for Brain Tumors in Children

The goal of surgery as treatment for a brain tumor is, in most cases, to remove or destroy as much of the tumor as possible while minimizing damage to the surrounding healthy tissues of the brain. In some cases, the surgery may serve as a simultaneous opportunity to conduct a biopsy, which involves collecting a sample of the tumor to be examined under a microscope; this may be required to determine the type of tumor and whether the tumor has specific gene mutations (changes) that could impact long-term prognosis. The biopsy, if necessary, will help your child’s oncology team determine post-surgical treatment options.

The most common type of surgical procedure for treatment of a brain tumor is a craniotomy. Depending on the location of the tumor, and whether brain function must be assessed during the procedure, the child may be under general anesthesia or may remain awake under local anesthesia. The surgeon will remove a piece of skull (the boney area of the head that protects the brain) large enough to enable him or her to insert instruments and view the brain under operation, if necessary and if possible. The tumor may be cut out with a scalpel or special scissors or it may be suctioned out with a specialized device, and then the removed piece of bone reattached to the skull.

Today’s surgeons utilize modern imaging technology as much as possible both before and during surgery to precisely locate and map the edges of the tumor. Imaging tests such as MRIs and CT scans before surgery, and ultrasounds during surgery, maximize the surgeon’s ability to identify and remove tumorous cells while reducing the risk of removing healthy tissue. Some specialized imaging tests, such as Functional MRIs, Intraoperative cortical stimulation, and intraoperative imaging also enable the surgeon to detect a particular function of the brain to help remove the tumor as safely and as extensively as possible.

The idea of brain surgery can be scary, for children and parents alike. Luckily, our knowledge of the brain continues to advance each and every day, as does our ability to harness the power of advanced tools and techniques, making brain surgery safer and more successful than ever. We encourage you to share your concerns—and your child’s concerns—with your child’s oncologist and surgical team right up front, so they can ensure that you and your child are as comfortable as possible throughout the entire treatment process.

More about Childhood Brain Tumor Cancers:

Learn More About the Different Types of Childhood Cancers:

Together, we can make a difference.
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About American Childhood Cancer Organization

The American Childhood Cancer Organization was founded in 1970 by parents of children and adolescents diagnosed with cancer. As the nation’s oldest and largest grassroots organization dedicated to childhood cancer, ACCO is committed to shaping policy, supporting research, raising awareness, and providing free educational resources to kids with cancer, survivors, and their families. Additionally, ACCO is the sole U.S. member of Childhood Cancer International (CCI) and has helped support more than half a million families over the past 50 years. Help make childhood cancer a national health priority because kids can’t fight cancer alone®

For more information about how ACCO can help your family, call 855.858.2226 or visit:

After Treatment – Living as a survivor of Childhood Spinal Cord Cancer

Treating Tumors of the Central Nervous System, including Spinal Cord Tumors

Spinal cord tumor cancer childTaken together, the brain and the spinal cord make up what is known as the “central nervous system” (CNS). The CNS is responsible for our body’s most basic functions, like breathing, as well as higher order processing such as thinking and movement. So tumors that develop in a child’s central nervous system, whether the brain or spinal cord, can significantly impact the body’s normal functioning. Exactly what impact stems primary from where the tumor is located, how quickly it grows, and how much damage it causes to the healthy, but extremely delicate, tissues of the spinal cord and brain. Living as a survivor of a spinal cord tumor, whether benign or malignant, usually involves coping with symptoms that stem from (1) the growth of tumor itself and (2) the course of treatment needed to eliminate the tumor.

Therefore, before discussing either short- or long-term “late effects” resulting from a spinal cord tumor, a brief discussion of treatment options for spinal cord tumors makes sense. As with any course of cancer treatment, the goal of treatment is to remove as much of the tumor as possible and to prevent it from re-growing. Treatment will, as much as possible, seek to ameliorate or address symptoms caused by the position and the growth of the tumor in the first place.

  • Surgery: If the spinal cord tumor is located in such a way that surgical removal is possible without causing further damage to healthy tissue, surgery to remove the tumor is usually the first course of treatment. The goal is total removal; however, in some cases, partial removal may be the only option.
  • Radiation therapy: Radiation therapy is most commonly utilized to kill any remaining tumorous cells. Radiation may be the primary treatment if surgery is not possible due to the location of the tumor.
  • Chemotherapy: Drug-based treatment—known as chemotherapy—is usually appropriate for targeting aggressive, fast-growing tumors, for the treatment of some tumors that are known to respond well to chemotherapy, and to treat children under the age of 3 for whom radiation is not usually considered appropriate.

However, for the majority of children diagnosed with a spinal cord tumor, a comprehensive treatment plan will involve some combination of all three approaches. Every treatment plan is unique to each specific child, depending on their unique health circumstances and type of tumor, in order to maximize their chances of long-term survival while simultaneously minimizing the risk of short- and long-term health problems.

Living as a Survivor of Childhood Spinal Cord Cancer

Health problems resulting from either the growth of the tumor itself or from the powerful treatment required to eliminate the tumor are usually called “late effects” and can manifest at any point in a child’s development, even years down the road. Unfortunately, children are especially prone to problematic “late effects” because their CNS is growing and developing so much more actively than an adult’s.

Throughout treatment and afterwards, your child’s oncology team will assess potential damage to the spinal cord with the goal of recommending specific follow-up treatment(s) to mitigate any side effects.  Coping with late effects often involves a variety of different medical specialists, particularly physical and occupational therapists who can help address concerns relating to movement, which is often the most impacted by spinal cord tumors. Psychologists and learning specialists may also be useful for coping with the emotional effects of a cancer diagnosis and treatment.

Two critical—and too often overlooked—elements of living as a spinal cord tumor survivor are:

  1. Faithfully sticking to the schedule of follow-up exams and tests as laid out by your child’s oncology team. While often stressful, these visits are necessary to monitor signs that the tumor is re-developing, or to monitor for so-called secondary cancers which may result from radiation and/or chemotherapy treatment.
  2. Maintaining well-organized records of your child’s cancer treatment. These records will ensure that new doctors throughout your child’s life have a comprehensive understanding of your child’s medical history. This will help successfully address any late effects or other health concerns that may arise, whether or not related to the spinal cord tumor.

More about Childhood Spinal Cord Tumor Cancers:

Learn More About the Different Types of Childhood Cancers:

Together, we can make a difference.
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About American Childhood Cancer Organization

The American Childhood Cancer Organization was founded in 1970 by parents of children and adolescents diagnosed with cancer. As the nation’s oldest and largest grassroots organization dedicated to childhood cancer, ACCO is committed to shaping policy, supporting research, raising awareness, and providing free educational resources to kids with cancer, survivors, and their families. Additionally, ACCO is the sole U.S. member of Childhood Cancer International (CCI) and has helped support more than half a million families over the past 50 years. Help make childhood cancer a national health priority because kids can’t fight cancer alone®

For more information about how ACCO can help your family, call 855.858.2226 or visit:

Gold Ribbon Hero: Kyler

Meet Kyler…

A monster truck loving, lego building typical 4-year-old who has been diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic B-Cell Leukemia.31944601_173105830075845_49972262316539904_n

In October 2017, Kyler started having unexplained fevers in the evening for approximately three weeks. He then began suffering from leg pains in the middle of the night. The pains were so severe that he would cry all night long and refuse to walk. His mother, Ashley, decided to take him to the pediatrician. The doctor performed labs on Kyler and he was referred to a specialist for possible juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Subsequently after, he was referred to an oncologist. The oncologist scheduled a bone marrow biopsy confirming Ashley’s worst fear. 31890379_172294093490352_2536333782068232192_n

On November 21, 2017 Kyler was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic B-Cell Leukemia. “Our visit with the oncologist was the longest 2 hours of my life. At that time, most of out family was in town for Thanksgiving. We made a decision to wait until the day after Thanksgiving to admit Kyler. On 11/24/17, we were at the hospital at 5 am for Kyler to have a port placed and was admitted to Beverly Knight Olson Children’s Hospital to begin treatment” remembers Ashley, Kyler’s mom.

Kyler is undergoing aggressive treatment consisting of chemotherapy given through a port, intrathecal chemotherapy, chemotherapy pills and steroids. His protocol and treatment progresses through phases; induction, consolidation/intensification and maintenance. As a result of the treatment, “Kyler has developed a foot drop in the right foot and peripheral neuropathy from Vincristine,” Ashley said. He is in physical therapy for his foot and now in speech therapy as a result of the neuropathy drug Neurontin. Kyler is suffering from PTSD as a result of the traumatic process and takes antidepressants to help him self-regulate. Currently, he’s waiting for occupational therapy because of weakness in his arms and hands due to neuropathy.

29261076_159889458064149_7602691828793475072_nWhen treatment began, Kyler could not comprehend what was going on, but now one year older, and Kyler can express his feelings about treatment and cope. Ashley said, “Over the last three months, Kyler has really began to cope with the disease. He has began to talk about his feelings and is understanding more and more. We try to explain things to him in a way he can understand.”

Kyler began pre-kindergarten last August, and he loves his teacher and school. He is enjoying interacting with others and going to the playground. Kyler loves the beach and playing outside and in the mud. He loves playing with his transformers toys, dinosaurs and searching for bugs. Kyler is one tough warrior saying “because I’m brave and do my port, I don’t ever give up, because I’m KylerStrong.”

He is currently in treatment at Beverly Knight Olson Children’s Hospital in Macon, Georgia.

You can follow Kyler’s story on Facebook at @kylerwpike

Donate today to help cancer fighters like Kyler: https//


More about Childhood Leukemia Cancers:

Learn More About the Different Types of Childhood Cancers:


Together, we can make a difference.
Donate today because kids can’t fight cancer alone

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About American Childhood Cancer Organization

The American Childhood Cancer Organization was founded in 1970 by parents of children and adolescents diagnosed with cancer. As the nation’s oldest and largest grassroots organization dedicated to childhood cancer, ACCO is committed to shaping policy, supporting research, raising awareness, and providing free educational resources to kids with cancer, survivors, and their families. Additionally, ACCO is the sole U.S. member of Childhood Cancer International (CCI) and has helped support more than half a million families over the past 50 years. Help make childhood cancer a national health priority because kids can’t fight cancer alone®

For more information about how ACCO can help your family, call 855.858.2226 or visit:


Gold Ribbon Hero: Abby

Meet Abby, a 7-year-old childhood cancer warrior and artist at heart. Her sweet and determined disposition have helped her fight for her life against Medulloblastoma. 40760380_463842710777846_4158830190065090560_o

When Abby was just 6-years-old, her parents began to notice some changes in her concentration which led doctors to evaluate her for ADHD. After several failed medications and Abby complaining she didn’t like the way they made her feel, her mother Debbie decided to discontinue use. After Abby’s condition worsened, her parents took her to see the pediatrician. Their pediatrician was concerned so they recommended a neurological consultation. While waiting for the neurologist to come in, Abby got sick several times but the doctor brushed it off. The pediatrician followed up with the family that night and urged Debbie to get Abby to the ER that evening for a CT scan.

cancer11-900x1200On May 3, 2018 Abby was diagnosed with a tumor in her brain. Debbie remembers, “We went into this room that felt like it was smaller than a cardboard box. That is when I heard the words, ‘Your daughter has a tumor in her brain. From where it is, I am thinking it is a cancer that children are known to get. I screamed, ‘No no no no!’ I left the room and went outside and screamed into the silent parking lot. I couldn’t breathe, my heart felt like it might burst. I called my mom and we cried together. I felt my whole self being thrown into a hellish nightmare, one I couldn’t leave, but one that could possibly take my beautiful daughter away. I don’t know how, but I came back into the room.”46181743_496829864145797_7322393381064146944_o

After collecting herself, Debbie went back into the room and looked at Abby. She took a deep breath and prepared to tell Abby what was going on. Innocently, Abby looked at her mom and said, “Are they going to get it out?” Abby was then transferred to  C. S. Mott Children’s Hospital in Ann Arbor, Michigan where surgeons quickly performed a biopsy and treatments began the very next day. On May 7th, just four days after being diagnosed, doctors performed a full resection of her brain taking four hours to complete. As a result of the brain cancer, she has a condition known as Pos Fossa syndrome – effects that will never go away. She experiences delayed learning, anger, frustration and confusion.  Abby decided that if she couldn’t use her right hand, she would use her left and retrain her brain.

45077174_489260818236035_4009411868429910016_oRadiation started just after Abby’s 7th birthday. After a few treatments, Abby’s scalp began to become sore so Debbie knew it was time to cut her hair shorter. Later, the radiation would take her hair. The harsh treatments made Abby see flashes of light and smell weird smells. These treatments required her to be face down and strapped to a board, which Abby did not like. Abby was able to ring the bell on July 19th after 30 rounds of radiation. On August 28, 2018, Abby started maintenance chemotherapy which will last until July 2019.

Throughout treatment, “Abby has remained an amazing pillar of positivity and courage,” according to Debbie. She struggles with not being able to go to school and misses her friends but she is maintaining her positive attitude.  “She’s my shining star. My superhero and when she smiles it lights up my heart and the room. We will fight and we will win.”50539603_531112880717495_3955202831329263616_o

You can follow more of Abby’s story on her facebook page:

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About American Childhood Cancer Organization

The American Childhood Cancer Organization was founded in 1970 by parents of children and adolescents diagnosed with cancer. As the nation’s oldest and largest grassroots organization dedicated to childhood cancer, ACCO is committed to shaping policy, supporting research, raising awareness, and providing free educational resources to kids with cancer, survivors, and their families. Additionally, ACCO is the sole U.S. member of Childhood Cancer International (CCI) and has helped support more than half a million families over the past 50 years. Help make childhood cancer a national health priority because kids can’t fight cancer alone®

For more information about how ACCO can help your family, call 855.858.2226 or visit:

What is the expected prognosis for a child with a spinal cord tumor?

spinal cord tumorsBefore beginning a discussion of general statistics relating to spinal cord tumors, it is important to note up front several key issues.

First, oncologists do not generally distinguish between benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous) spinal cord tumors. Both kinds can be extremely dangerous, and even deadly. The spinal cord is a critical piece of the body’s central nervous system, and as tumors grow (whether benign or malignant) and press on the delicate tissues of the spinal cord, they can significantly compromise the functioning of this critical organ. For this reason, oncologists prefer to use the term “tumor” versus “cancer” when discussing “cancers” of the spinal cord.

Second, together the brain and the spinal cord comprise the central nervous system. Therefore, oncologists generally classify tumors of the central nervous system as one group and most statistics include both spinal cord tumors and brain tumors. As one group, tumors of the central nervous system are the second-most common type of cancer in children (after leukemia), accounting for about 25% of all childhood cancers. Within that broad category, tumors of the spinal cord are significantly less common than brain tumors.

Third, as with most types of childhood cancer, oncologists rarely use the term “cured”; instead, key statistics relating to prognosis are given as “5-year survival rates”. This term refers to the number of children who have survived at least five years after their initial diagnosis. However, it is only a general statistic and does not in any way predict an outcome for any one child. Each child’s individual prognosis depends on that child’s prognosis factors, their specific type of spinal cord tumor, and the child’s response to treatment.

What are the prognosis factors for spinal cord tumors in children?

The good news is that with advances in medical technology over the past decade, treatment options for children diagnosed with a spinal cord tumor are more focused, more powerful, and overall more effective, thereby increasing 5-year survival rates for many types of tumors. In general, about 3 out of 4 children with a tumor of the central nervous system will survive more than 5 years. However, this simple statistic hides a great deal of variation between specific types of tumors.

As noted above, each child’s “life expectancy” after diagnosis depends heavily on a unique assessment of his or her prognosis factors. These “prognosis factors” help determine the unique treatment approach, as well as potential for long-term survivorship. In general, the key prognosis factors for most types of brain and spinal cord tumors include:

  • The type of tumor
  • The tumor’s size at diagnosis
  • The tumor’s location at diagnosis
  • How quickly the tumor is growing (it’s “grade”)
  • How much of the tumor can be removed with surgery (if surgery is possible)
  • Whether the tumorous cells have certain gene mutations
  • Whether the tumor has spread to other parts of the central nervous system
  • Whether tumorous cells have spread beyond the central nervous system
  • The child’s age at diagnosis
  • The child’s functional abilities as impacted by the tumor at diagnosis

More about Childhood Spinal Cord Tumor Cancers:

Learn More About the Different Types of Childhood Cancers:

Together, we can make a difference.
Donate today because kids can’t fight cancer alone

Donate to ACCO

About American Childhood Cancer Organization

The American Childhood Cancer Organization was founded in 1970 by parents of children and adolescents diagnosed with cancer. As the nation’s oldest and largest grassroots organization dedicated to childhood cancer, ACCO is committed to shaping policy, supporting research, raising awareness, and providing free educational resources to kids with cancer, survivors, and their families. Additionally, ACCO is the sole U.S. member of Childhood Cancer International (CCI) and has helped support more than half a million families over the past 50 years. Help make childhood cancer a national health priority because kids can’t fight cancer alone®

For more information about how ACCO can help your family, call 855.858.2226 or visit:

Gold Ribbon Hero: Taylor

Screen Shot 2019-02-11 at 10.49.42 AMMeet Taylor, 16-year-old ambitious designer and entrepreneur. Taylor was determined to live life to the fullest, and wanted to be known as “a kid with cancer, never a cancer kid.” She didn’t want cancer to define her. Devastatingly, she passed away after a five year battle with cancer. Sue, her mother, said, “Taylor believed in life that all you need is love, and her memory is indelibly imprinted onto the hearts of everyone she left behind.”

In 2003, Taylor was diagnosed with Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma, a malignant type of cancer of the cartilage. Sue remembered, “all day long I had felt frozen and trapped in time, not hearing, seeing, or feeling much of anything, unable to process what was happening. My husband, Bob, was the strong one from day one. He turned his fear, grief and sadness into drive and determination to save Taylor, against the odds. He researched all night, found doctors worldwide to speak with and pushed every button he could. As a result, Taylor outlived her prognosis 4 years.” 0 copy

Taylor was originally diagnosed with osteosarcoma and started treatment immediately. The protocol that the initial hospital performed did not work and they gave up on treating Taylor. Sue, Taylor’s mom, decided to switch her to another hospital. When Taylor relapsed, three and a half years later, they found out that she was misdiagnosed. The family sought out for several more opinions at many U.S. hospitals and when treatments were no longer available they took her to Germany and the United Kingdom.

Two days before Taylor’s graduation party, she began losing her hair. Determined to make sure that everything was perfect for her daughter, Sue recalls asking another friend’s mother what she should do. On a moment’s notice, she [the other parent] purchased bandanas for all the girls to wear so that Taylor would feel more comfortable at the party. A few days later Taylor asked her dad to shave her head and Taylor didn’t shed a single tear.

0-2In an excerpt from her book, “Paint Your Hair Blue, A Celebration of Life with Hope for Tomorrow in the Face of Pediatric Cancer” Sue writes: “Taylor’s life was not only about what she accomplished, but also about what she left behind. Her boundless optimism, even at the bleakest moments, and her zest for life, even as death neared, taught me more about love than I thought there was to know. Taylor believed in life that all you need is love, and her memory is indelibly imprinted onto the hearts of everyone she left behind.”

During an interview, Taylor talked about how she had received generosity from her friends. “When I was first in the hospital, my room turned into a garden with so many flowers.” She received so many stuffed animals and even a song was written in her honor, “Everything’s okay when you’re with Tay.” This outpouring of generosity helped Taylor get through the first couple of months in treatment and helped her feel just a little bit better. She was so inspired by these gestures that she started a business while undergoing treatment, called “Tay-Bandz.” She created accessories that she would sell and then donated the money to pediatric cancer research. Taylor didn’t want anyone else to go through cancer so she said, “knowing that they may be getting treatments that I funded the research for, it’s really great.” The foundation has been renamed to “The Taylor Matthews Foundation” and is dedicated to raising awareness and funding for pediatric cancer research. 0

For more information about Taylor and her foundation:

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Together, we can make a difference.
Donate today because kids can’t fight cancer alone

Donate to ACCO

About American Childhood Cancer Organization

The American Childhood Cancer Organization was founded in 1970 by parents of children and adolescents diagnosed with cancer. As the nation’s oldest and largest grassroots organization dedicated to childhood cancer, ACCO is committed to shaping policy, supporting research, raising awareness, and providing free educational resources to kids with cancer, survivors, and their families. Additionally, ACCO is the sole U.S. member of Childhood Cancer International (CCI) and has helped support more than half a million families over the past 50 years. Help make childhood cancer a national health priority because kids can’t fight cancer alone®

For more information about how ACCO can help your family, call 855.858.2226 or visit:


Gold Ribbon Hero: Nicholas DaSilva

Meet Nicholas, a 10-year-old who fought and beat Non-Hodgkin’s Burkitt’s Lymphoma.unnamed-1

During the second week of Kindergarten in September 2013, Nicholas started complaining of extreme pain during urination, so his mom decided to take him to the doctor. The Da Silva family was told he was fine and were sent home. About a week later, he started to complain that his belly was hurting. He was taken to Chilton Hospital where an x-ray was performed and misdiagnosed with constipation. He was prescribed medication and told that it was a stomach bug. Several weeks passed and the family was very concerned that his stomach bug wasn’t going away. On November 12, 2013, Patricia (Nicholas’ mom) noticed a bump on his stomach. The next day, the family looked at his belly and noticed it had extended more. Nicholas was rushed back to Chilton Hospital where they did a CT scan and within minutes the emergency room doctor said they had found a mass in Nicholas’ abdomen. Nicholas was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Burkitt’s lymphoma on November 13, 2013.

unnamed-2“It is hard to imagine what I felt. It was as if someone took my breath away and I found myself struggling just to breathe. As parents we don’t have the luxury of falling apart, and I quickly rallied to ask about the x-ray done in September when I was told that my son was constipated. They pulled the x-ray and the mass was in the same place that they misdiagnosed as constipation” remembers Patricia.

Treatment began at Goryeb Hospital in Morristown with surgery and chemotherapy. After three long months, they had finally found the source of Nicholas’ pain. The treatment was aggressive – seven rounds of chemotherapy – but the initial protocol failed to eradicate his tumor. His pediatric oncologists extended his protocol to include four additional courses of high dose chemotherapy.

On May 5, 2014 Nicholas went into remission! Now the fifth grader loves to play soccer, play video games and watch YouTube videos. He also enjoys hanging out with his friends. He’s doing excellent in school making honor roll in the first marking period and well on his way to honor roll for his second marking period.

The DaSilva family felt so compelled after going through this journey that they established a Founding Hope Fund with the American Childhood Cancer Organization. “Our kids need to be heard and as parents, we need to be those voices for our children.” The “Kid Nicholas Going Gold 4 Kids” Founding Hope fund recently inspired a bipartisan resolution sponsored by Senator Steve Oroho to promote education and awareness about childhood cancer. Read the full article about this decision, here. unnamed-3

For more information about “Kid Nicholas Going Gold 4 Kids” Founding Hope:

To follow their Facebook Page: @bethevoiceforchill

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About American Childhood Cancer Organization

The American Childhood Cancer Organization was founded in 1970 by parents of children and adolescents diagnosed with cancer. As the nation’s oldest and largest grassroots organization dedicated to childhood cancer, ACCO is committed to shaping policy, supporting research, raising awareness, and providing free educational resources to kids with cancer, survivors, and their families. Additionally, ACCO is the sole U.S. member of Childhood Cancer International (CCI) and has helped support more than half a million families over the past 50 years. Help make childhood cancer a national health priority because kids can’t fight cancer alone®

For more information about how ACCO can help your family, call 855.858.2226 or visit:

American Childhood Cancer Organization Applauds Increased Funding for Childhood Cancer Treatment Pledge in State of the Union

February 6, 2019 – Washington, D.C. – The American Childhood Cancer Organization (ACCO) today released the following statement from CEO Ruth Hoffman on President Trump’s State of the Union pledge to include $500 million in the budget for increased funding for childhood cancer treatments.

“American Childhood Cancer Organization’s (ACCO) Gold Ribbon Hero and Amazon + ACCO’s 2018 Ambassador Grace Eline attended the State of the Union at the U.S. Capitol last night as a guest of the White House. Her attendance and recognition demonstrates the growing awareness of childhood cancer as a child health priority in the U.S. and around the world.

Cancer is the number one disease killer of children in the U.S. and the majority of childhood cancers have not seen new therapies in decades. As a result, young patients often endure toxic treatments that were primarily developed in the 1960’s, ’70’s and ’80’s or face a devastating lack of treatment options at all. The President’s pledge for increased funding specifically aimed at improving the treatments available to young patients is critical to growing survival numbers and enhancing quality of life for our nation’s youngest cancer fighters.

The President also expressed an intention to protect patients with pre-existing conditions. Three out of five pediatric cancer survivors will suffer long-term effects of their treatment including diabetes, secondary cancers and organ failure. We hope that the Administration and Congress will work together to support young cancer patients now and protect their access to health care as they age.unnamed

We are heartened by the President’s commitments to pediatric cancer expressed during last night’s State of the Union address. We encourage Congress and the Executive Branch to work together to support kids like Grace now and improve their chances for long and healthy lives in the future. ACCO looks forward to providing continued leadership in this process.”

About the American Childhood Cancer Organization

As the oldest and largest grassroots childhood cancer organization in the U.S. and the only U.S. member of Childhood Cancer International, ACCO is dedicated to fighting cancer, the number one non-communicable disease killer of children in the U.S. and around the world.

Together, we can make a difference.
Donate today because kids can’t fight cancer alone

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For more information about how ACCO can help your family, call 855.858.2226 or visit: