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A.1302 has PASSED!

A.1302 has PASSED!

Assemblymember Linda B. Rosenthal Announces Signing of Legislation to Bolster Childhood Cancer Awareness & Research Funding

New York, NY – Assemblymember Linda B. Rosenthal (D/WF-Manhattan) announced today that her legislation (A1302/S1898) to increase funding to the state’s Cure Childhood Cancer research fund has been signed into law. The law will create a check-off box on state income tax forms through which taxpayers who wish to can easily contribute. The law was sponsored in the state Senate by Senator Toby Ann Stavisky.

“Each year, approximately 1,000 kids in New York State are diagnosed with cancer,” said Assemblymember Linda B. Rosenthal. “Despite increases in childhood cancer rates over the years, funding for research has lagged far behind. I am proud that this new law will help drive additional resources to the state’s research fund that will help us move closer to a cure.”

Cancer remains the number one cause of death by disease for children in the United States. According the American Childhood Cancer Organization, one in six children diagnosed with cancer in the United States do not survive five years. Early diagnosis of cancer in children remains difficult and despite advancements in medicine, two out of three childhood cancer survivors will suffer long-term health effects from the harsh treatments.

Researchers estimate that 15,190 children will be diagnosed with cancer nationwide by the end of 2023, yet the National Pediatric Cancer Foundation reports that just 4% of the federal budget for cancer research is dedicated to childhood cancer.

“Cancer researchers have made significant advancements in recent years, but the fight is not over,” said Assemblymember Linda B. Rosenthal. “Through the creation of a tax check-off box, we will help raise awareness of childhood cancer and provide people with an opportunity to easily make a contribution that will go to research aimed at saving lives.”

Rosenthal drafted this legislation in partnership with families impacted by childhood cancer. Previously, New York State’s Cure Childhood Cancer research fund was supported solely through the sale of Cure Childhood Cancer license plates.

“The American Childhood Cancer Organization is grateful to our legislative champion, Assemblymember Linda Rosenthal and Governor Kathy Hochul for their support of New York’s littlest cancer patients. Signing A.1302 provides policy changes that will help reduce the disparity between adult and childhood cancer research funding in the great state of New York and give hope to children with cancer and their families,” said Ruth Hoffman, CEO of American Childhood Cancer Organization.

“When a parent hears the words ‘your child has cancer’ it can break their heart,” said Michael Davoli, Senior Government Relations Director of the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network. “This legislation will help fund critical research into childhood cancers in New York and we applaud its enactment.”


Assemblymember Linda B. Rosenthal is the Chair of the Committee on Housing. She represents the 67th Assembly district, which includes the Upper West Side and Hell’s Kitchen.