This soft stuffed animal has been custom designed by ACCO for children with cancer. Embroidered above the cat’s heart is the gold ribbon symbol for childhood cancer, and embroidered on the bottom of the cat’s foot is ACCO’s logo.
Cozy has been specially designed to be a teaching tool and a companion for children before, during, and after cancer treatment. Available in two sizes, Cozy has strategically-placed patches that represent port access, bone marrow aspirate, spinal tap, gastrostomy tube (g-tube), and a hand IV. With Cozy as a guide, a child can see where a particular procedure will take place, and he or she can even watch Cozy have the procedure first! This can greatly ease anxiety and fear related to certain aspects of treatment. Cozy is also great just for hugging and keeping your child company!
Cozy is soft, snuggly, and FREE to all children with cancer. All orders for the Cozy Cares Journal will include “Cozy the Port-a-Cat,” but Cozy can also be requested separately from the journal.
*The smaller 13″ Cozy Cat is included at no charge with our free resource orders–the larger Cozy Cat is available for purchase at the ACCO store
You can order just the Cozy plush by itself, but you can also order the free Medical Play Kit separately.