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Gold Ribbon Hero: Axel

Meet Axel, a 4-year-old stage 4 alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma warrior. 

According to his grandmother, Cindy, Axel’s diagnosis came shortly after his parents found a lump in his groin. The doctors ran bloodwork and talked to an oncologist almost immediately. At that time, they thought it was just an infected lymph node, and was put on antibiotics. When the medication didn’t work, they noticed another bump on his knee. At this point, he was taken to Phoenix Children’s Hospital and stayed for a week. After days of testing, biopsies, and a port placement, he was given the official diagnosis: stage 4 alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma warrior. 

“He has endured so much and continues to smile. He doesn’t complain” said Cindy. 

Chemotherapy began immediately and currently, Axel is in the maintenance phase of his treatment plan. 

During treatment, Axel has struggled with isolation and often misses his older brother and friends since he cannot go to school or have playdates. His grandmother noted that he takes it like a champ and puts a smile on everyone’s face. 

Learn more about sarcomas here

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