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Gold Ribbon Hero: Charley

Meet Charley, a one year old acute myelogenous leukemia warrior.

When Charley started daycare she was always sick and in the doctors office. The doctor noticed that her soft spot was slightly swollen and sent her to the emergency room. Charley was diagnosed with viral meningitis which continued to worsen. The family was sent back to the emergency room where additional labs were taken. The doctor came into the room with a team of doctors and bent over to tell me “they were very concerned with Charley’s numbers, specifically the white blood numbers.” 

“We were in shock. We wondered if our child was going to die and how we would move on. We wondered who would take care of our son at home,” remembers Sarah, Charley’s mother. 

During her journey, Charley has been through many surgeries and procedures including bone marrow biopsies, intrathecal chemotherapy, central line placement, port placement, ovarian tissue removal and endoscopy. She had three rounds of chemotherapy and at this time, she is considered NED. 

“Charley underwent three rounds of chemo and a stem cell transplant from her two year old brother who was a 10/10 match. She suffered many set backs along the way, but never stopped fighting. She rarely cried and brought a smile to so many in the halls during the 125 days she spent inpatient.” 

Charley is currently attending weekly clinic visits for blood monitoring. 

Learn more about leukemia by clicking here.


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