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Gold Ribbon Hero: Dominic T.

Meet Dominic, an avid sports lover and medulloblastoma warrior. 

Dominic was diagnosed with medulloblastoma in May of 2019. What started off with headaches and double vision, turned into a tumor the size of a tennis ball, plus a golf ball. After a 10 hour surgery, doctors were successfully able to remove the whole tumor. “It was honestly like we were living a nightmare. We were upset and angry” says Vania, Dominic’s mother. 

Treatment started immediately with 30 sessions of radiation and 9 cycles of chemotherapy. “Dominic has been through more than any adult will go through in their lives. He’s fought so hard and is still fighting. He’s remained positive and always has a smile on his face, no matter what!”  

“It’s been really rough on my family. I have lost my job and our attention has been mostly on Dominic even though he has two younger siblings.” 

Dominic just recently had his port removed. In his spare time he loves playing soccer and video games. He loves painting and drawing and wants to become a veterinarian when he grows up. 

Follow Dominic’s Journey: @DominicsBattleWithBrainCancer

 Learn more about medulloblastoma here:

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