The story detailed below is an account written by Francisco, a Acute Myeloid Leukemia survivor. He will be graduating high school in June 2020 and plans to go to college in the fall. His ultimate goal is to become a pediatric oncologist!
I began feeling tired and noticed bruises on my legs. I had pale skin color and bluish lips so my mom took me to my doctor for a check up. The doctor looked into my mouth and said “oh my god Frankie, even your mouth is pale.” He ordered lab work and we drove home. When we arrived, the doctor had already called three times. He told us to go back and told my mom to take me to the children’s hospital as soon as possible.
I had four strong rounds of chemotherapy. I have severe anxiety and had iron overload. I had issues with my gallbladder and liver. I was in remission for five years and as of February 20, 2020, I am NED!
I never rang the bell but after two years of going to the Children’s Blood and Cancer Center, I was transferred to the Survivorship center!
My parents bought me ACCO’s t-shirts so that I could help raise awareness for childhood cancer.
What is one piece of advice you give someone on treatment or newly diagnosed?
Keep the Faith!
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